Culdcept Revolt Cards

Culdcept Revolt Cards

Without a doubt, the path to collecting cards in this game is much harder than the previous. However, I think this is actually normal. Because the previous game abused a mechanic to win games in 1-turn in order to quickly collect cards. They made sure you couldn't abuse this, by limiting the handicap you can put on yourself and your allies. Also, in this game, you earn points to buy booster packs to get cards. Giving yourself handicap will lower the amount of points you get. So you have to work to get what you want.Card completion messageStory-wise, it is a completely new game, not a remake.

So the story is definitely new. I'd say it wasn't bad. The side-quests sometimes had forced developments to get you to fight (because if everyone could just talk things out, you wouldn't have a game), but well, you'll just have to give that to the game. Also, the length is pretty good. There are plenty of quests in the main story, even more side-stories for each main story, and a lot of challenge quests, which have no side-stories and is a flat 10-map run with handicap enemies of all kinds.66 story quests, 70 challenge quests.There's definitely enough to satisfy you. Including the start-dash version, I used over 80 hours to get to this point.The music is as great as ever, from the usual Itou Kenji, though there is no longer 1 BGM per map.

At least from what I have noticed, but it seems there aren't that many BGM. Of course, I have not compared, so I'm not too sure. At least feels that way. Of course, the BGM themselves are high quality.However, one complaint that can't really be helped is the AI.

Of course, with so much freedom, it is hard to make an AI that is overly smart. In the first place, that'd be painful because it would be so hard to defeat.

Nov 09, 2017  Culdcept Revolt does an excellent job at delivering that experience in a unique way. The constant stream of new cards and maps that are unlocked throughout the game keeps it fresh and helps with the story’s pacing. Survivalcraft 2. As I play past the 30 hour mark, I just hope I don’t have to wait another ten years for a new Culdcept title in the West. Culdcept Revolt: Full Card Tier List. 3 7 comments. Ps2 culdcept tips. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor. And join one of thousands of communities. Culdcept Revolt Online: What to Expect. (self.Culdcept) submitted 1 year ago. by malikb.

But the biggest problem is that you have a lot of team matches in the game, especially the challenge quests. And the AI can sometimes be SO STUPID, it is almost like 1 vs 3. Of course, the AI isn't just blindlessly acting.

They try at all times to increase their overall Gain (Magic, assets, whatever you call them). They also try to match monsters to their terrain. All of this makes sense, but because the computer cannot think flexibly, they constantly make bad moves.

Without going into detail, you won't care when the AI acts stupidly against you, but when they are on your side, you're gonna have to babysit them a bit.Anyways, I suggest playing the game if you can. In the first place, there aren't many, if any, games that are like this game, so there really isn't a choice. Board game + card game = Culdcept, so. It's cheap too, compared to other games.And yes, there is DLC, though mostly just visual-type DLC, such as avatar and dice skins. Nothing that affects the balance, so feel free to buy just what you want.


I personally got the Miko set and Megane set. I didn't need the male businessman avatar in the Megane set though!Spoilers after the large blank.While some people would find the set avatar being used in the story mode as weird, there actually ends up being a good reason. The player is called on from another word to take the protagonist's place, after the protagonist dies from trying to solve the big problem. So your avatar is forced into the skin of another guy, which is why you are set as him.The biggest surprise of the story is the heroine. People were all confused when the girl who seemed to be the heroine suddenly died in the start dash version. Was she gonna be revived or something?

Nope, the true heroine that stayed with the protagonist to the end was Yuma, not Alicia. I'm sure a good number of us actually prefer that.Yuma (left), Alicia (right)Heck, practically none of the characters ended up the way people expected. For instance, your entire Resistance group gets killed off. Tennet dies off-screen.Nighthawk, who seemed to be the Ryvern of Revolt, actually was a pretty good guy that had clear beliefs that lived to them. He even stayed with you most of the way through Part 2 of the story. There was even a scene where he's eating in your sister's house. He's also relatively challenging to face, because both his AI and book is well-balanced.

Culdcept Revolt is a strategic board game, but one where the thinking starts before you even enter a match. Fortunes rise and fall depending on your deck. Given the high number of cards in this installment, over 400, coming up with something that works for you is a daunting task.

It’s one that will necessitate careful thought and plenty of exposure to as many cards as possible.The important thing is not to panic. Culdcept Revolt does a good job of easing you into the game. There are also a number of cards that act as staples. By keeping a few conventional cards in your deck, you can have something stalwart to fall back on while brainstorming your deck.Ogres are a wonderful place to start. These cards have been part of Culdcept for years, but Culdcept Revolt is the game that makes these brutes better. Each one’s strength has been boosted by 10 points.


For 80G, it’s worth it to place a 50HP unit down to protect a place. Since there are elemental ogres, they fit well in most decks. Plus, you can always pull in a neutral Ogre Lord card.

It’s cheaper than a regular Ogre, with a 70G cost, 40 strength, and 50 health, but has the bonus abilities that give you +20 health if you’ve placed Earth or Water Ogres and +20 strength when a Fire or Wind Ogre is around. They don’t have the benefit of special skills, but they’re solid early-game cards.Walls work well in early Culdcept Revolt decks as well.

They’re a good way to call dibs on a place on the map for a small fee, protecting it from other players. Wonder Wall, the neutral option, has 30 HP and only costs 10G. It can’t attack, but it neutralizes all elements, which is nice. The Wall of Ice is the water option, and gives you a 40 HP wall for 25G that also gets +20 bonus health in a battle. Wall of Stone, the earth elemental card, doesn’t get more health when a battle starts, but gives you 60HP right away for 25G. All three do a good job of stalling while you wait for something more appropriate to place.You need solid attackers in Culdcept Revolt, and there are quite a few cards that come up after the first few boards to fill that need.

The Knight should always have a place in an early deck. It’s a little expensive at 90G, but he’s worth it.

He has 50 strength and 40 health, plus is guaranteed to deal critical hits on any opposing cards with maximum hit points over 50. Think of him as a means of challenging some early monsters. I like to use him to take over an inhabited plot.The Kaiser Penguin is another advantageous ally.

He’s a card that’s new to Culdcept Revolt. For 90G, you get a monster with 50 health and 30 strength. That might seem a bit expensive, for something with so little strength and an inability to use scrolls, but its skill makes it worthwhile. This monster can destroy an opponent’s scroll, support, or tool at the start of a battle. This makes it a rather stable defender, since he starts with decent health.With the Wyvern, you can start thinking more about conquering territory and pulling together advanced plays. This is an air card that, when placed on an air territory, can move to another air land.

It’s only restriction is that it can’t be on any earth territories. You can combine it with movement cards to set up potential plays and build up an air territory monopoly. It works rather well as an attacker too.

It’s not terribly expensive, at 60G, and has 40 strength and 40 health. When it’s on an air land, it gets attack priority and can hit before any opponents. This is the card you start popping into your deck when you want to start challenging yourself and thinking more critically.It’s important to keep equipment cards on hand in early Culdcept Revolt decks. All the monster cards in the world won’t help if you don’t have the weaponry and defenses needed to aid them in a pinch.

Everyone knows how important it is to keep swords and armor on hand, but you can’t neglect some other items. The Sling is an affordable weapon that only gives you 10 extra strength and health, but also has the benefit of allowing people to attack first. Not too bad, consider it only costs 30G. The Buckler is another defensive card to slip into the deck. For 40G, you can neutralize the attacks of any monsters whose strength is under 30. It’s not as practical in the endgame, since cards are far stronger then, but it serves you well early on.Don’t forget status-influencing cards.

Boson x steam. The two I recommend most are Mana and Relief. Mana is invaluable at any point in Culdcept Revolt.

For free, you can get your lap number x50 worth of magic power. I recommend keeping it until you’ve completed at least two laps, but it’s the sort of card where you can play it at any time and benefit from it. Relief is a good card to have when you start focusing on your deck and deciding which elements work best for you. It lets you pay 30G to either swap two of your monsters on the map or send one of them back to your deck. It’s the best card to have when you begin building your empire, since it lets you adjust decisions you might have made your first pass or two around the board.But again, all of these are only a handful of options that might end up working for you.

The beauty of Culdcept Revolt is the effect your decisions can make in a match. Your deck can help guarantee your victory or cripple you before you even start a board. It’ll take time before you find the right combination, but maybe knowing the virtue of Ogres, Knights, Wyverns, and other cards will help you get started.

Culdcept Revolt Cards
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