Hotel Dusk Room 215 Rom

Hotel Dusk Room 215 Rom

Download Hotel Dusk - Room 215 Europe ROM for NDS to play on your pc, mac, android or iOS mobile device.

Product Information. Nintendo DS proprietors are invited to check into the Hotel Dusk, an old-fashioned mansion where guests are either unwilling or unable to leave. Former policeman Kyle Hyde travels to 1979 Los Angeles to locate a friend who was last seen in room 215, a room cryptically described as 'where wishes are granted.'

What follows is a graphic adventure that involves hunting for clues and solving an assortment of puzzles to determine the whereabouts of Hyde's friend. The game is played with the handheld positioned like a book, with the left screen depicting 3D views of the environment and the right screen displaying an overhead perspective used to move around. Dialogue sequences and cut-scenes feature stylistic, black-and-white graphics to evoke a noirish atmosphere. Hotel Stuck: Room what do I do now?I bought Hotel Dusk: Room 215 because I'm a big fan of story-based adventures.

City of love paris game fanfiction. Trek fandom was key to the modernization of fan culture, and we can thank them every time we pull up our favorite AU fic.For LGBTQ fans, fanfic also is a chance to explore representation that they haven’t always received, though Star Trek has started including more LGBTQ characters and relationships into the canon.

I loved Trace Memory, and Hotel Dusk was made by the same people. It's mostly a great game for fans of the genre, but it can get very confusing at times. I keep getting infuriatingly stuck without a single clue what to do next. A quick trip to Gamefaqs would probably fix my problems, but as many adventure gamers know, it's usually better to figure it out for yourself.

The answers can be ridiculously well-hidden, which makes this game best suited to extremely observant people. The plus sides of the game include a unique control scheme and system setup (you hold the DS sideways like a book and play almost exclusively with the stylus.and there is a lefty option, thank goodness) and a captivating mystery sto ry. If you're willing to get stuck once in a while as you play, this game is well worth your money. Hotel Dusk: Rom 215After a long hiatus from gaming since the old Atari days, I was looking for a game that a middle-aged adult would enjoy and I certainly found it with this game. It's a great game searching for items and clues, questioning guests and staff in the hotel to help find specific items while being careful not to tick someone off or get caught snooping and end up getting kicked out of the hotel. There are times where you find yourself without clues or anyone to talk to.just wandering around the hotel with nothing happening and may seem like you're at a dead end, but rethink everything and think hard, and you'll get back on track. You are the constant detective in this game.

If you do get kicked out of the hotel you are allowed to retry which is awesome, as you don't have to start over completel y. Lots of fun and highly recommended. I've been working on this game whenever I can steal some time, since around mid December, and I still have not finished it yet, and there is much more to come. Hope you like it as much as I do. Hotel Dusk, Excellent ServiceI used to play games as a kid, and I still love them now.

However, I do not have the time anymore to play them as much as I used to, so I started playing adventure games mostly because I don't feel the rush to complete them on one sitting, I can play them at night just before going to sleep, and not feeling all worked up.I've been hunting these kind of games all over, specially for the DS, but they're hard to find. So when, I saw Hotel Dusk:Room 215 at merely over $10.00 I had to buy it.I was expecting an actual adventure game, but this is not the case, the game is sold as an interactive novel and that's what it is. You'll spend your time reading and you'll read a lot, luckily the writing is very good and most of the characters are so well written that you'll get to feel truly sympathy or despise for them.The only complaint I have is with the actual 'game' part.

While the puzzles are somewhat enjoyable they are quite simple and not challenging enough. Most of the challenge you get of it, comes from getting to know what to do next, which luckily the game/novel tries to avoid by letting your inner thoughts guide you through. And this is the other problem with it; all the writing and beautiful drawn facial expressions make you believe the characters are real, and the world is real as well, but after a while you'll get to know that the game/novel only moves forward after some unrelated action triggers another one which makes it feel somewhat artificial.But do not let these problems keep you away from it.

You may have read better novels, or played better games, but as a mix of both it's one of the best. The writing is outstanding, at least for a game and the art direction with its rotoscope animations is more beautiful and more emotional than any 3d game out there.I was expecting to play it one hour at a time, but I got sucked in and spend my weekend playing it until its conclusion. I was great.

Outstanding use of the DS system.Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is most certainly a must-have game for the DS. It brings one back to the glory days of point and click adventures, this time with the stylus as your guide. The animation is unique, and gives a nice, noir feel to the game, and the story unravels at a nice pace. Don't expect Shakespeare or anything, but the story is still decent enough. The game is not overly challenging and you should be able to finish it in a couple of days. The main thing to remember, however, is that this game is just FUN to play, and the music and scenery bring out a fabulous moody atmosphere. Great for a fun, quick play-through without the need to dedicate a large amount of time and effort.

Great Innovative Game'Take control of an interactive mystery novel and discover the secrets of Hotel Dusk. Who is Kyle Hyde-and what really happened in Room 215? Take stylus in hand and navigate a tangled web of lies, betrayal, and murder to learn the answers.' So says the back of the cover for the game Hotel Dusk Room 215. This game feels, as well as plays, like a book, albeit an interactive one. You even hold the DS differently, similar you would to a book, to play the game. However, don't let that fool you.

Some people may say things such as 'It's just like watching TV' or 'I want to PLAY the game, not WATCH it.' Even IF I'd agree to such an argument, I would STILL want to play the game, just knowing how the story is told. But I think its a little more than just something you watch. It feels like you're a d etective, trying to find clues, talking to people, solving puzzles such as opening locks, and the like. At first glance, the gameplay doesn't seem like much. Hell, when I first picked up the game I thought to myself 'Is this all there is?

Just a point and click game?' However, that is only the tip of the iceberg. This game is innovative with everything that the DS can do, especially when doing things such as solving puzzles.

I thought one of the most clever ones was an instance where I had to flip something over. On the left side of the DS showed the item I had to flip over. On the right side of the DS showed an empty table. At first I was a bit confused, but then I closed the DS, opened it back up, and it was actually flipped, like if I was doing it in real life.

Almost anything the DS was capable of, this game did.The graphics fit very well with the genre of this game. However, I feel that the graphics of this game would recieve similar reponse to the graphics of Zelda: Windwaker. Either you love them or you hate them. Fortunately, I love the graphics for this game. They help set the atmosphere.Another thing that always helps set atmosphere is sound of the game. I felt that the sound was very good. Whether you were pressed for time, just figured out something new, or casually walking down the hallway, the appropriate music played.Although all the above was important, the most important thing was the fact that I kept getting drawn to this game, even when I would get a game over and had to do everything all over again.

The storyline in this game is what really keeps this game going. Small mysteries turn into larger ones, and I love how everything had some connection of some sort.

It just made the mystery even better at the end. In the end, I feel that Hotel Dusk is a game that you should have in your DS collection. It is a great game. I am still drawn to playing it even though it is my third playthrough. Some people would say phoenix wright is their favorite game, but in my own opinion, Hotel Dusk is a little better. It's just worth playing.

.: January 22, 2007.: January 25, 2007.: February 22, 2007.: April 13, 2007Mode(s)Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is a for the. Originally announced on October 5, 2005 as Wish Room, the game made its first public appearance on May 9, 2006 at that year's convention. It was released in North America on January 22, 2007, before being released subsequently in other regions. The game supports the accessory. The game was later republished in 2008 as part of the line of DS games. The game was developed by the now-defunct. A sequel, was released in 2010 for the DS.

Screenshot of gameplay showing both DS screens in their vertical format.The player, as Kyle Hyde, moves around and interacts with the environment using the DS's and must solve a variety of puzzles using the handheld's various features including the touch screen, microphone, and closeable cover. The DS is held rotated 90 degrees from normal, like a book, with an option in the game to allow the player to switch which side the touchpad is on depending on which hand is dominant.Throughout the game, the player must speak with the various hotel patrons and employees in order to uncover vital information. The player can show the characters items that Kyle has collected, or ask questions that have been brought to Kyle's attention. By asking the right questions, Kyle will uncover the information he needs. If he asks the wrong question, makes a wrong assumption, behaves rudely, shows the wrong item, gets caught with something that isn't his, or encounters someone (usually an employee) in a restricted area or room (either by noticing him or getting their attention), he may confuse or anger the person. This is usually indicated by a darkening of the character in question. This can result in Kyle being forced to retreat to his room or, later in the game, getting kicked out of the hotel, leaving him unable to solve the mystery.The game is filled with adventure-style puzzles, most of which involve using the touch screen to perform a simple task.

Movement is made by leading an iconic representation of Kyle around a map of the hotel on the touch screen or d-pad while a first-person three-dimensional view is shown on the other screen.There is also a journal to write in, which is used by several other characters as well, though all critical in-game story notes are copied automatically. It gives three pages to write in, with a simple pencil/eraser system.Synopsis The game takes place at Hotel Dusk, a fictional, rundown motel outside of, in 1979. Kyle Hyde, a former New York City detective and now working as a salesman for Red Crown, has arrived at the hotel in his search for his former partner, Brian Bradley, and is given Room 215, a room rumored to be able to grant wishes. Kyle finds that the hotel has many mysteries as well as connections to his past, and begins to look into these further. The order of the discovery of these elements within the game will depend on choices players make, and as such, the summary below is the chronological order of the larger story.In the past, Robert Evans and Dunning Smith were friends at college, but went their separate ways. Evans inherited his family's art gallery, while Dunning wanted to become a professional painter. Both married and each had a daughter: Mila and Jenny, respectively.

In 1960, they reunited in an airport, after both of their wives died in a tragic plane crash. A year later, Evans came up with the idea of creating 'Osterzone', a dead painter whose works would be highly valued. Evans deeply admired Dunning's skill at painting, and offered him to paint works to be credited as Osterzone's, to which he agreed. While Dunning painted, Evans displayed the works in his art gallery and created the mytho of Osterzone. The scam was successful, the paintings sold for fortunes, including one called 'Angel Opening a Door', and Evans and Dunning became rich.Their activities attracted the attention of a crime syndicate called Nile that Evans worked with. Evans bought Hotel Dusk in 1969 to use as a front for his illicit meetings and to provide a secret workshop for Dunning to paint, despite Dunning's wishes to get out of the scam. During one meeting with Nile, Dunning refused to continue painting, forcing one of the Nile agents to kidnap Jenny; during the skirmish, Mila, who was playing with Jenny, was knocked into a coma.

Evans threatened Dunning to continue to paint as Osterzone to be able to see Jenny again. Evans later got into too much trouble with Nile, and was forced to sell his art gallery and gave Hotel Dusk to Dunning before keeping himself secluded. Dunning lost hope of seeing Jenny again after three years, and quit painting, but Evans convinced him to wait at the hotel and Jenny would be returned in time. Dunning became the hotel's owner and renovated it to hide the evidence of Nile and Osterzone while creating the mythos of Room 215 as to attract customers.Three years prior to the game's present, Hyde and Bradley were investigating Nile's activities in New York City, and came across Evans. Evans claimed that Nile was holding Bradley's sister Mila as hostage as to force Bradley to leak confidential information; through this, Bradley learned of Dunning and Osterzone, and later stole 'Angel Opening a Door' from Nile in anticipation of returning it to Dunning. However, Bradley later found Mila killed by Evans, and Hyde is anonymously warned of Bradley's treachery. Hyde confronted Bradley on a Hudson River and was forced to fire on him, wounding him.

Bradley fell into the river and disappeared; Hyde, feeling remorse over his actions, quit the force and took up the salesman job to search for Bradley.Six months prior to the present, Bradley had made his way to Hotel Dusk and spoke to Dunning about what he knew of Nile and Osterzone. Despite Dunning's distrust, Bradley turned over 'Angel Opening a Door' to him, and while staying at the hotel, signed in under Kyle's name and left several clues for Kyle to find, knowing that Kyle would likely follow him.

Bradley left the hotel and visited Evans' daughter Mila, who bore a resemblance to his sister, and gave her his sister's bracelet; shortly after this visit, Mila woke from her coma though unable to speak, and after waiting several months for Evans to appear, decided to leave, following the only clue she had, a pamphlet to Hotel Dusk that Bradley left behind. Mila arrives at the hotel at the same time that Kyle has. In the present, Kyle is able to piece together all the clues to the hotel's past, including the identity of Dunning and Mila. After helping to reconcile the two, with Dunning promising to look after Mila, Kyle continues on his way, knowing that Bradley is still ahead of him.

Depending on actions taken during the game, Mila asks to come with Kyle and he accepts, and the two leave in his car.In a secret post-credits scene, a now-adult Jenny is seen arriving at the hotel on New Year's Eve.Development Production took about a year and a half with 20 staff members involved. In an interview with, Director Taisuke Kanasaki explained that they wanted Hotel Dusk to have 'an unprecedented visual expression not found in any other game.' The game uses to animate its characters while a brushwork style illustrates the game's environments with half-finished backgrounds with 3-D objects strewn about. While not a first in gaming, rotoscoping is still rare in most games (with only a handful, namely the original using the animation style).Sequel A sequel, titled, was released on January 14, 2010 in Japan, and on September 17, 2010 in Europe. It takes place in during 1980, a year after the events of Hotel Dusk. Due to developer 's bankruptcy, Last Window was never released in North America.

Reception ReceptionAggregate scoreAggregatorScore78/100Review scoresPublicationScore6/108.67/107/1033/407/103.75/5B−8.2/108.1/10GameZone8.9/107.9/108/10D+Hotel Dusk: Room 215 received 'generally favorable reviews' according to the website. In Japan, gave it a score of one nine, one seven, one nine, and one eight for a total of 33 out of 40.The game was also selected as one of Gaming Target's '52 Games We'll Still Be Playing From 2007'. It was the 76th best-selling game in Japan in 2007, with 213,208 copies sold.The reception was not universally positive, though. Gave it an average review and called it 'unrelentingly linear'. 411Mania gave it a score of seven out of ten, saying that the game is 'easy to like and easier to want to get more of'. Gave it three stars out of five, and said, 'Having to wait until the game lets you solve a riddle even though you have grasped the solution long ago is particularly galling. Players too often feel like passengers on a scripted ride, rather than individual auteurs directing their own unique experience.'

Gave it a D+ and pointed out that 'while a mystery should keep you alert for clues and misstatements, Hotel Dusk slaps you in the forehead with every new piece of evidence, then patronizes you with reading-comprehension quizzes after every chapter.' In 2011, named Hotel Dusk the 65th-best adventure game ever released.

Anoop Gantayat (October 5, 2005). Retrieved July 7, 2016. Guy Cocker (May 11, 2006). Retrieved July 7, 2016.

Hotel dusk room 215 rom download

Thomas East (July 14, 2010). Archived from on January 8, 2011. Retrieved July 7, 2016. ^. Retrieved June 23, 2011. Emily Morganti (February 25, 2007).

Retrieved July 8, 2016. Edge staff (March 2007). 'Hotel Dusk: Room 215'. (173): 80. EGM staff (February 2007). 'Hotel Dusk: Room 215'.: 97. John Walker (February 26, 2007).

Retrieved July 8, 2016. ^ rawmeatcowboy (January 17, 2007). Retrieved July 7, 2016. Matthew Kato (March 2007). Archived from on January 19, 2008. Retrieved July 8, 2016.

This Old Man (January 26, 2007). Archived from on February 3, 2008. Retrieved July 7, 2016. Joe Dodson (January 26, 2007). Retrieved July 8, 2016. Alex Navarro (January 23, 2007).

Retrieved July 7, 2016. Eduardo Vasconcellos (January 26, 2007).

Archived from on February 2, 2007. Retrieved July 7, 2016. January 25, 2007. Archived from on April 30, 2012. Retrieved July 8, 2016. Dylan Platt (May 30, 2007).

From the original on December 18, 2008. Retrieved July 8, 2016. Craig Harris (January 24, 2007). Retrieved July 8, 2016. 'Hotel Dusk: Room 215'.

March 2007. ^ Chris Dahlen (January 29, 2007).

From the original on July 16, 2010. Retrieved July 7, 2016. ^ Jason Hill (March 1, 2007). Retrieved July 8, 2016. GT staff (January 1, 2008). Gaming Target. April 14, 2008.

Archived from on April 14, 2008. Retrieved July 7, 2016. Charles Herold (February 8, 2007). Retrieved July 8, 2016. Adam Smith (February 21, 2007). Retrieved July 8, 2016. AG Staff (December 30, 2011).

From the original on June 4, 2012. Retrieved January 17, 2020.External links. at.

Hotel Dusk Room 215 Rom
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