Ncaa Basketball 10 Ps3 Rosters

Ncaa Basketball 10 Ps3 Rosters


NCAA Basketball 10 updated rosters? Ultra ball gameplay. (PS3) - Anyone know if there's any made for this coming basketball season? There was a guy on Operation Sports last year who ma.

08-25-2011, 06:24 PM
Hey Guys,
I just picked up NCAA Basketball 2010 for PS3 a few days ago. When I tried to get on the EA Locker to get a roster I discovered that it is no longer in service for this game. So after a little searching I found a roster file on OS (It is about have way down on the first page, then I followed the instructions and even the ones on 4 post number 32). It is a 2010-2011 season roster for the PS3, so I followed one set of directions to which I had no luck. I got a message saying that I was trying to load a file that did not match my profile. So I deleted the profile (oh well, I can just make a new one) and still no luck.
So after that I tried the second way which was to make a dummy file (basically start the game with all the saves - including the profile deleted and turn off auto save) then save the default roster. Then download the roster that was posted and after opening the file, then copy and paste it... Well that didn't work.
I have tried every way I can think of and had someone else try to help but now I am out of ideas.
Has anyone had one of these rosters that knows a way around the profile lock that actually knows that it works?
11-13-2019, 11:53 AM #6

OVR: 0
Re: 2019-2020 Community Rosters (Xbox 360)
****Latest updates: 3/20/20 Big thanks to VirtualMM & anyone trying to keep Ncaa 10 alive like this.
Virtual March Madness 2020 made 68 teams --all credit goes to the great guy VirtualMM on YouTube and Twitter and thanks to patsfanAJM for finding this!
My 8 team 2019-20 file:
update Moving Forward with Parent22 Roster:I attempted copying gatordemps ps3 roster files manually by looking at it on a PS3 emulator and manually editing in game..and I managed to make Florida & KY for this season and added them into the last Parent22 file(below);update 3 more teams updated next page {Duke, Xavier, &Auburn). But copying the data manually took around 10hrs total to finish 5 teams. It was fun, but very time consuming @ 2 1/2 hrs a team..if no one posts any more updates in Dec Holidays & if I do some more I will share them again. But I'm way too busy to do many more..just takes too much time to make teams for this game with the best care.
Update2: I have taken 3 hrs just taking pictures of top 10 teams from gatorDemps-
(at the risk of overheating my Computer running a PS3 emulator )
--It has in depth ratings and player models for

1st file-Duke, Michigan St., Louisville, Kansas,
2nd file-Virginia, Gonzaga,Texas Tech, Memphis

If you are a fan of any of these teams you can take time manually copy& editing them in game. They are from GatorDemps PS3 roster, so credit goes to him for the edits. But I deserve credit for taking pictures using a PS3 emulator-and posting my file below .
I went ahead and posted My WIP 2019-20 ROSTER FILE (3rd file below) what I have so far (only FL & KY updated)., merged with mustangs post of 16 older teams 2018-19 edits by parent22---those need to be updated this season.
Transfer file method based on all the guides here:

1a. Download the full save file rosters from here on Operation sports.
(you know they are full sized if they are 3.44mb or 3528kb in size. If it is 3.44mb then proceed to step 2. If file is smaller than 3.44mb around 3.32mb or 3428kb, then see step 1b at bottom of guide.
2. take HxD hexeditor. AND go to line 360 and edit the first Zeros to the Device ID #: 45 41 08 C3, then SAVE.
3. Then use Horizon2.9 and drag your HxD edited Roster Save file into it.
you should edit the Profile ID, Device ID, and Console id (to the same numbers as the ones found on one of your save roster files taken from your console and put on your flash drive); You should also notice game ID is 454108C3 from your hexedit work.
4. Then just Click on Save, Rehash, and sign button.
5. Move this file back to your Flash Drive to proper folder
USB FLASH DRIVE > Content >E0000XXXX > 454108C3 > 00000001 >.here.
6. Take it to your Xbox360 and load it up in game. And hopefully it works.
1b. If the files are only file contents sized 3.32mb or 3428kb in size, then you must first create a Full Save roster in game and move that roster to a flash drive.

You will then go back to Step 2
withHxD hexeditor and make sure your own Full Save file has Device ID number set to 45 41 08 C3. --(you may be able to do entire transfer without HxD step unsure really)
Then Proceed to Step 3.
But here is the extra New step--you must click on Contents and replace the smaller 3.32 mb file contents with new smaller file (3428kb in size) downloaded from operation Sports. And then finally Save Rehash, & Sign the file.
If your resulting file is 3528kb or 3.44mb in size then it will hopefully work. If it is too large around 6900kb or 6+mb then it may not work giving damaged roster error; Uncertain if HxD edit step may be needed again to add game ID code or make zeros again. Then save rehash & sign again to make the file go back down to the normal 3528kb size, or make it work.

helpful links >>
Not sure if My file will work for everyone. I included 2 choice of files: I copied the Full Save file 3.44mb or 3528kb directly from my Flash Drive and a File Contents of 3.34mb or 3423kb extracted using Modio3 , to replace into your own save file using horizon2.9 or modio. Use whichever file & program works better for your preferred transfer process.

Note: if transfer process using Horizon doesn't work, then start over using Modio and just changing profile id and device id and save and rehash, drag file back to your USB flash drive correct folder.
Hopefully some brave soul can try updating more of the players data from 10 more team edits using the Pictures I posted in first 2 files from gatorDemps 2019-20 roster. (it may take 2+hrs per team to do it exactly like the pictures below; also you may have to completely overlap edit on top of last years player edits by parent22 to get the right YEAR for each player eg.FR, SO,JR, SRs--.).

The community, mustang and parent22 are free to continue updating this into the new season.

-Please share your work if anyone updates this .;

(I'm still hoping Chill posts his own different roster as a working file on his thread, which is further along with 8 teams done.).
For those new to the Final College Basketball games made for Xbox360 & PS3, Most of the rosters for them can be found in one place >> HERE

See next page for more updates.
Attached Files
2019-20 6 Best teams (6.09 MB, 32 views)
2019-20 Next Best teams (4.98 MB, 22 views)
2019-20 WIP Xbox360 GatorDempsPIN (2.80 MB, 39 views)
Last edited by pinbw; 03-22-2020 at 10:21 AM.Reason: Links for March madness 2020 file! My own 8 team file with KY Duke Kans, Louiv,Baylor and FL, Aub, Xavier updated to 2019-20
Ncaa Basketball 10 Ps3 Rosters
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