About Genre RPG Rating Rated 'T' for Alcohol Reference, Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes Summary Explore the universe of SEGA's franchise in this second installment of the Phantasy Star Portable series. The game offers an online multiplayer component in addition to its robust single-player action adventure. Tiny monsters wiki. The story takes place three years after the exciting Phantasy Star Universe saga. With the great menace of the Seed now defeated, the people of the Gurhal System are confronted with dwindling resources.Returning the game to its online roots, Phantasy Star Portable 2 connects players online via Ad-Hoc and Infrastructure mode allowing gamers and fans to play with their friends anywhere via the internet for up to 4 players. In addition to the online capabilities, Phantasy Star Portable 2 offers a new in-depth storyline, enhanced combat system, new weapons and character customization options that combine to form one of the most extensive RPG ever created for the PSP system.
Three years after the events of Phantasy Star Portable, humans now defeated and sealed SEED. However, a severe problem happened, that all resources on the planet Gurhal were nearly exhausted. The rebirth system in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity is another way of increasing your characters' stats. Unlike class types which temporarily boost your character's stats while you are using that particular class, boosting your stats through the rebirth system are permanent stat increases.