Sky Of Destruction Photos

Sky Of Destruction Photos

Sam and max hit the road iphone case. Aerial photos show the extent of the damage across the Bahamas, with buildings smashed to pieces and debris littering townscapes.

Global warming isn't the only thing to worry about. Overpopulation, pollution, poaching and mining are just a few of mankind's other harms that are leaving the Earth scorched and ruined.However, the devastating effects of the digital age, demanding food production and melting glaciers are something most people don't see every day.In order to raise awareness of the issues threatening life as we know it on this planet, the Foundation for Deep Ecology and have released a collection of sobering pictures, showing the widespread destruction of land, skies and seas.Scroll down for video. Dragon slayer orchestra. Waterfall of melting ice: In both the Arctic and Antarctic regions, ice is retreating. Melting water on icecap, North East Land, Svalbard, NorwayOne picture shows the street grid of Los Angeles at night, a city known for its infamous rush hour traffic. The exhaust from cars and airplanes are thought to be one of the major contributing factors to global warming, and the effects are seen in pictures of a melting glacier in Norway and a devastating wildfire in Colorado.Some of the pictures show the pileup of waste across the world, from piles of tires in the Nevada desert to burning mounds of computer parts in Accra,Ghana.


ShareWhile most of the Western world has systems in place for waste disposal, that's not necessarily the case in places like the island nation of Java where locals are forced to dump their garbage into local rivers and streams. One picture shows a surfer gliding through a wave darted with plastic packaging and other refuse.With the increasing demand for wood for home building, the old growth forests of the Pacific Northwest are being turned into barren wastelands thanks to logging. One of the pictures shows a hill on Vancouver Island in Canada turned bald thanks to logging, while stumps litter a reservoir in Oregon's Willamette National Forest after clear cutting.

Sky Of Destruction Photos
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