Vr Kanojo Full Game Walkthrough

Vr Kanojo Full Game Walkthrough

I think you have to make her c.u.m before ending the scene. I didn't play this scene yet myself so I can't really help that much, however I did google some reddit threads yesterday by chance where players of the original release were stuck in the same scene.If you managed to figure it out please post a reply, I'll do the same once I have time to try getting past it.edit: 'You have to get her dirty so she goes to the bath' from a post on Hongfire which means coming outside (maybe multiple times). With the Touchpad on the Vive Controller Up and Down change the animation/speed. After pressing Up a couple of times you can press Right to come inside or Left to come outside. Everything AFAIK. Would have to do myself.

I managed to get past doggy style!I can't say for sure how I triggered it.I made sure she came (4 times), then I came Inside and Outside (multiple times), jerked off (ingame, lol) and finally tried to pull out just before she came. After all that I hit menu and exited with the big button on the right side (which is probably important!)Afterwards it started the bath scene which was a REAL pain to get through.

3D美少女アダルトゲームメーカー「イリュージョン」のVR専用タイトル「VRカノジョ」の公式サイトです。 3D adult game maker 'Illusion'. World's first! VR-only title is the official site of 'VR KANOJO'. I don't see the 18+ patch on the website anymore! Was it removed?

Looked awesome though.If you manage to get to the bath scene make sure to activate the touch guide as it helps A LOT.First you need to rub her hair and neck for quite a long time.Then, once she has soap on her body, you'll need to listen to her response to figure out what she enjoys and what not.If you mess up too much it resets you. If you get too close to her or are looking in the direction of the door she won't like that.Once you triggered a short reaction scene from her switch to another body part.If there are left and right parts (both breasts, elbows etc.) you need to do both.After cleaning her sufficiently (no clue when it is enough) you can just go into the bath by looking at it and she'll join you.edit: I also unlocked all Scenes in 'Scene Select' and 'Touch Select' before, which could be a requirement.

So through youtube and the actual patch notes ( ) I was able to figure out how to pass the bathroom scene without fail and unlock the last two sexy lessons every time. I will post it here since it is the main thing that comes up on Google.First up doggy scene since that unlocks the bathroom1. Doggy scene starts with a condom.

Finish this like normal.2. When you have finished doggy scene, do doggy scene again. This time there is no condom and there is a heart floating.3. Fill the heart. Use your hands on her while you are going to fill the heart. She will tell you when it is done and it turns blue again.4. Finish like normal, but then pause and quit the scene (it does not exit automatically when you have unlocked bathroom like the old ones.)5.

This production in terms of the game draws handfuls from the first of the following items. The main difference between them is the story, giving the user the chance to us to start a career and gaining fame in the music industry.Note:The Demo allows you to become acquainted with the game. Kudos-Rock Legend is the position which is a hybrid of three species: RPG, simulation of everyday life and turn-based strategy. For the creation of such titles as Kudos and Democracy. Kudos rock legend strategy download. This game was developed by Positech Games, responsible, among other things.

If you did this correctly when you exit the scene it should take you straight into the bathroom.Now the actual bathroom scene1. She starts with bubbles in her hair, read the manual ( ) for instructions.2. If you are making her 'displeased' and it fades to white and resets with bubbles still in her hair, DON'T WORRY! You CAN NOT actually FAIL. Just keep messing around and it will eventually go to the next part. Stonekeeper eso. (I have simply sat and stared at her not touching anything and it eventually went to the next)3. Now the bubbles are on her body.

Just do whatever.4. Again if she is 'displeased' and it fades to white and resets with bubbles still on her body (you can tell the difference because it loads faster and the tone of her voice) DON'T PANIC.5. Eventually it will move on to the next scene. This can be confusing because the bubbles are almost exactly the same as the last one. The best way to tell is she will react differently to touching the same things as before.6. YOU CAN NOT FAIL THIS!7. Eventually it will decide you are done and loop back to the first scene with bubbles in her hair.

That means you can access the bathtub! The game does absolutely nothing to inform you of this so many people (myself included) think this means you messed up so bad that it reset. THIS CAN NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN.8. Look at the exit sign on the bathtub. I know normally that would lead to the main menu but now that you have cycled through all 3 scenes it does the same thing as the end of doggy and moves you to the next scene.9. Now you should be in the bathtub (I have never had it take me back to the main menu after cycling through all 3 scenes if it did you missed something).10. Bathtub is the same as before.


As long as you are looking at her it will eventually advance and there are 3 scenes then it loops.11. She wants massage in the bathtub (again refer to )12. THIS ALSO CANNOT BE FAILED13. Have as much fun as you want, when it has cycled back to the first of 3 bathtub scenes you have unlocked the next two sexy lessons, you can stay and have more fun or stare at the exit sign again.14. If you finished the bathtub correctly a short cutscene will play with her standing next to the tub.15. You will now be at the main menu, select sexy lessons and the final two will be unlocked you do not have to do one before the other.

Originally posted by:Yes, you can fail. If you touch the wrong spots or look at her wrong too often (yes, really! Also, don´t look at the door) the game restets you back to the first scene (hair).Also, there seems to be a translation error.

If she says she wants you to touch her sides, she means shoulders. She hates it if you actually touch her sides!Actually when you are 'reset' to the bubbles in her hair that means you won.

I tested it on new save files specifically only doing things she disliked, or not touching her at all. It will ALWAYS go back to bubbles in her hair but that means you succeeded not that you failed. The icon on the bathtub does not change to reflect this no is there any dialog/other prompt. That is why people are so confused by this. When it goes back to the bubbles in hair, look at the bathtub exit sign and you WILL advance to the next scene guaranteed.As well as your comment on what she likes/dislikes if you look at the patch notes I linked (or manual it calls itself) you can tickle, wash or massage with your hands and she has a different responce to each one in each area. She does not mind if you tickle her sides, only if you try and massage them.

Vr Kanojo Full Game Walkthrough
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