Diabolik Lovers Characters

Diabolik Lovers Characters

My person list of Opinions and raking of the Sakamki's and Mukami's.

Diabolik lovers characters subaru

Of the 101755 characters on Anime Characters Database, 13 are from the anime Diabolik Lovers More, Blood. Diabolik lovers more character song diabolik lovers more character song 10枚連動購入特典cd(アニメイト) ミスターヴァンパイアの憂鬱なるバイト生活(cv.カナト シュウ ルキ コウ アズサ) diabolik lovers more character song 10枚連動購入特典cd(タワーレコード) 密着!.


:star2: #1:Subaru Sakamaki :star2:

I can't say I 'liked' Subaru in the start due to the fact all we see is his abusive actions (Breaking phone and wall).

Because of this,I figured he was a grade A ass.

The mountain system has no axis of dominating altitudes, but in every portion the summits rise to rather uniform heights, and, especially in the central section, the various ridges and intermontane valleys have the same trend as the system itself. A remarkable feature of the belt is the longitudinal chain of broad valleys - the Great Appalachian Valley - which, in the southerly sections divides the mountain system into two subequal portions, but in the northernmost lies west of all the ranges possessing typical Appalachian features, and separates them from the Adirondack group. Dominating synonym.

However,once,I watched a More Blood: Subaru's route gameplay,I slowly began to get It.

Subaru's past is almost like this chain,holding him back,making him barely crawl to make it through life.

He is very misunderstood by his brothers and the watchers/fans.

And at times,he is underestimated.

He's my favorite due to his gentle yet Tsundere personality.

I dislike that he's rough when he's upset but,once he's calm,he's a litte cuddle bear.

:heart: #2: Kanato Sakamaki :heart:

Kanato is quite intresting and he was my first favorite due to his voice,appearance and actions.

He is my favorite of the Triplets.

Although some of the things he does is just out right stupid.

I hate it that he does stuff without giving second thought,it is absolutely horrible because it torments the watchers/fans.

Kanato is sensitive and I really like that about him.

Wing Commander™: Privateer. Experience the darker side of the Wing Commander universe. 2669, Gemini Sector, Troy System - the Terran frontier between the Kilrathi Empire and the unknown. Here, in the far reaches of space, people live by their own rules. Welcome to my next Let's Play series! A lot of people have been asking for this one, and so here it is. We follow a young hotshot pilot who was chased by pir. Wing commander privateer ships. Wing Commander™: Privateer Experience the darker side of the Wing Commander universe. 2669, Gemini Sector, Troy System - the Terran frontier between the Kilrathi Empire and the unknown. Wing Commander: Privateer Expansion Pack: Righteous Fire (1994) Mercenary space pilot Grayson Burrows is taking a breather after his adventures in the original game, when someone steels an alien weapon from his ship. Grayson suspects a dangerous Luddite religious cult, but info on them is expensive.

And the Yandere part of him makes me love him even more.

He does dumb shit but he's an all out great character.

#3: Azusa Mukami

Azusa was my favorite Mukami in the very start of More Blood.

I can't say a lot about why I like him.

I just..do?

#4: Shu Sakamaki

Shu is a simple person.

His love to Edgar,Yuma,is the one thing that catches me.

Although it's so stupid that he doesn't chance it. He never gets to know Yuma or tries to.

It's just silly to me.

#5: Laito Sakamaki

Laito isn't really a personal favorite due to the fact he's so..odd to me.

It actually scares me that other emotions are so hard to read because he's always hiding It with lust/want.

Although,I do love the small things about him.


I'm not sure I would really mind letting him drink from me.

#6: Ruki Mukami

Ruki is impossible to get to know and he's just impossible.

I do love him but he's just so difficult

#7: Ayato Sakamaki

Ayato cannot be not an ass.

I would never trust someone like him.


#8: Yuma Mukami

I don't even enjoy talking about him that much. He's just absolutely an ass.

#9: Carla Tsukinami

Just no.

#10: Reiji Sakamaki

Reiji will forever burn in my mind.

I cannot verbally express how much I actually hate him!

Just..he's awful.

He's the reason Yuma's a dick and the reason Shu is always sleeping due to depression.

He's such an ass!

Diabolik Lovers Characters
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